
Php 29.75 / $ 0.69

I was browsing through the department store's stash of nail polish the other day when I saw this one and I immediately fell in love with it.
I mean, it was shining, shimmering, and splendid (yes, I sang). I had to apply 3 coats to get this really dark color just like in the bottle but it dried so fast I didn't notice the time at all. 
Anyway, I am currently planning to go to heaven (aka Divisoria) next next week. Soooooo excited to explore there now that I've found my addiction. Kekeke. I will definitely buy something cool there. *winks*
I also noticed that my blog seems a little too short soooooo I'll try to post more pictures from now on (more like, 4 pictures per post). Anyway, see you tomorrow and hope you had a great day!


  1. This is amazing! Hey Kat, I love your blog! You have great photos and concise descriptions. I'll link this to my site. More power to you! Stay polished! :)

    1. Thank you! I'll definitely link back to you ;D
      Just need to rearrange my layout a little bit :D


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