
Php 120 / $ 2.82

Tadaaa! This is what I used in my first attempt at nail art. The gold inverted V was made using this one. I apologize again for the blurry picture. Anyway, I really want to go to Divisoria tomorrow so that I can hunt and buy more of this brand (because of the shape and color of the bottle AND its consistency). I went to my favorite nail polish store (or stall) in Trinoma and they said that they will no longer sell this brand. I think it's gone forever. Waaaaaaaaa.
Also, I'm having a hard time working today. I need inspiration and I need it now! *sighs*. I still can't pick a good color for my blog. Maybe I'll take some random pictures and then make a collage or something. Bah! I also want to design my own ring (now, where the hell did that come from?). lol. I think I just saw my brain skitter across the floor, far away from me. Just in case I'm tempted to ramble some more, I'll say good night now and I'll see you again tomorrow! 

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