
Eating, Shopping, Coloring, DIY-ing and Organizing?

Hi! I'm sorry I haven't blogged for a long time. A lot of things happened and I had to concentrate on living each day. Amidst all that, I want to share with you all what's been going on lately. Eating strange things, attending nail art seminars and sleeping next to the airport - these are just some of the random stuff I've done the last month (not to mention shopping for more nail polish). lol. 

Warning: Lots of pictures ahead.

I was grocery shopping with my sister the other day and I saw this BIG SQUID.
I mean, it was like, three feet long.
I wanted to buy it so badly...

Here is a new menu item I tried from my favorite fast food chain, Tokyo Tokyo.
Kani Tempura. Crabstick-effing-tempura. *drools*

Bacon Rosemary Pasta - this one's from a cafe I stumbled upon when I was tired.
Please remove the rosemary and add more bacon.
I want bacon BACON pasta please.

You know you have a washi tape addiction when you look at this and smile.

Here are a couple of nail polish gifts I received.
Is anyone familiar with these brands?

Grumpy cat coin purse? Yasssss!
Here's my grumpy Kat face:

I also bought a couple of Faburnails stamper.
This is just... fab!

These are nail care goodies from Alessandro International.
I just love that mango nail cream.

I attended the Nail Artistry Workshop sponsored by Rustan's Beauty Source.
I got to try Deborah Lippmann polishes~ Weeeeee~

Of course, when they organized a Nail Art Challenge, I had to participate.
One of my friends won! Woohoo!

Kat's Glitter 101:
Step 1: Put all of them in zip lock bags.
Step 2: If not enough, transfer some of them in round containers.
Step 3: Place all of them inside your drawers.
Step 4: Eat some chocolate and celebrate being glitter-free for a couple of days.

Here's a sneak peek at what I'm trying to DIY.
Can you guess what this is?

This is my adult coloring masterpiece.
I call it, Gold'en Purple. 'Nuff said.

Lastly, here's a shot of what my view was when I checked in at a hotel.
Didn't sleep the whole night because I was too enthralled by the planes.

Thank you all for dropping by today! How did your month go? Let me know in the comments below or send me an email via the Contact Tab above! Good bye and I'll see you again soon!


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