24k Sugar Plum!...

Sugar Plum 10 mL
Php 29.00 / US$ 0.66

Hi! I have a very gorgeous polish to show you today. It's a duochrome (or multichrome?) made by another local brand here. I tried my best to show it off to you but I still don't think my pictures did it justice... It's just so pretty (and it's purple!)... Hihi.

Sugar Plum is this deep purple polish that turns bluish green at a different angle. Formula was amazing! It glided on smoothly even though the brush was smaller than I liked.  I used three coats and a top coat for these swatches. Weeee~ Sorry. Haha. I'm just really  in love with this purple one.
One last shot before I go. It's been pretty hard these past few days. We experienced rain, sunshine, rain again, sunshine again, no electricity, no water supply. Ugh. I am a little happy that this week is ending. I am so ready to party. lol. That's all for today. Thanks for dropping by! Good bye and I'll see you again soon!

I chatted with one of my nail art buddies and we talked about our untrieds. I realized I have a lot and I mean A LOT. Haha. I also wanted to buy some new stuff but I made a promise that I will reduce said untrieds first. Have. To. Control. Urges! Hahaha.


  1. I love the name of that polish! It's so pretty! Yes! Here's to the WEEKEND! LOL Glad this week is almost over. Stay on the no-buying path!

    1. Thanks Kim! Hahaha. Don't worry, I'll stay on it.

  2. That's a really pretty purple! I love duochrome/multichromes myself... it's so fun to watch the colors shift as you move your hands. :)

    ~ Yun

    1. Thanks Yun! I love duochromes too! I can't stop wiggling my fingers. lol.

  3. super nice dark purple looks fancy hahaa


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