
Negative Space Nail Art!...

negative space nail art dazzle dry
DAZZLE DRY Mythic Teal

Striping Tape

Hi everyone! While I was browsing around the internet, I stumbled upon this cool negative space nail art tutorial and I knew I had to try doing it immediately. And so, my very first negative space nail art was born. Woohoo~

negative space nail art dazzle dry
For this nail art look, I first applied Dazzle Dry's base coat, waited around 30 seconds and then created patterns using some striping tape. I then applied one coat of Mythic Teal and removed the tape while it's still wet. Added on some top coat and tadaaa~
negative space nail art dazzle dry
I used a different pattern for each finger to make it more unique. What do you think? I'm really feeling the one on my pinky. Maybe I'll do it again in a different color. *winks* Which one do you like the best? As always, thank you so much for dropping by and supporting the blog! Good bye and I'll see you again tomorrow!

You can visit Dazzle Dry Philippines via their website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


  1. i like it , very nice.i have never id it ! must try ! this blue is awesome

  2. I love how you can still see some parts of your natural nail through this manicure ;)
    I think this color looks also very special and I would love to try it myself one day!

    Thanks for sharing and have a nice day!
    Xx julia

  3. I love that blue :D Your tape work is so clean . I love your accent nail more (:

  4. How gorgeous! And love that polish too <3

  5. oh wow! i love the designs and color of that polish. so cool kat

  6. Such a cute style! I love the idea of this, and it's super creative. Imagine the looks you could get, like the cool aesthetic look if you used black or white!

    1. Thanks Nyxie! Yup! I'll definitely try to make a black and white version of this. Maybe after the holiday season is over. Hihi.


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