
Hi guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated lately. I've been a wee bit busy with some personal stuff. 
Anyway, I'm currently experimenting with my digital camera. I've been trying a lot of different angles (and lighting) but I can't seem to find the best ones yet. I'm not sure if the problem lies with the camera or with me. lol. 
I promise I'll post again soon and I'll definitely post a lot more pictures compared to my previous ones. Hihi. Thanks for showing your love for my blog even during my hiatus! *hugs* Goodbye for now and I'll see you soon! 
If you have some tips regarding indoor lighting, I'd deeply appreciate your help. 


  1. I use a light box! I bought this pop up one from ebay and its awesome! (http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/12-Inch-Photo-Photography-Studio-Soft-Box-Shooting-Cube-Light-Tent-30x30cm-Y186-/280928842081?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item4168a9f161)
    Shine a light over the top of it. If the light is quite yellow/orange you will need to change the setting on your camera to Tungsten or Fluorescent lighting. . otherwise if you're using a white light it should be fine just under auto setting. Make sure the macro setting is on! Keep the iso quite low to avoid harsh pixels in your photo and if you don't have a steady hand try lying on the floor and using your elbows to support your hand and get clear shots. Practice makes perfect, you'll get the hang of it :)

    1. Hi Mel! Thank you so much for your advice! I made my own light box and tweaked my camera just like you said and it worked! Woohoo! Thanks again!

  2. hope to see you back soon! :)


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